Best Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Followers in 2023

Having a sufficient number of Instagram followers is necessary for brand building and marketing if you’re a business. It’s important for people who want to earn money from their accounts. But as an individual or business with less than 100 or 200 followers, what are the best strategies to grow your Instagram following in 2023?

Gathering followers on Instagram will be pretty easy if you are famous or have gone viral for doing or saying something. However, if you’re new to Instagram or just launched a business, chances are that you are looking for a means to grow your followers and engagement on the platform.

Fortunately, you can dedicate time and funds to grow your follower base from almost zero to hundreds or thousands of users by following the dedicated strategies outlined below.

Growing Instagram Followers

Growing your Instagram followers from scratch can be a lot of work. The strategies outlined below will come in handy if you’re looking to not just increase your followers but also scale your business.

Effective use of IG’s many stages

Social media tools can be likened to accountability partners. They help simplify the social media management process while ensuring consistency in dishing out quality content. To do this, you can plan your weekly or monthly content calendar and your social media tool will help schedule it and automatically post it at the right time. You won’t need to log into your account.

Instagram now has several functionalities to suit different post types – photo and video feeds, stories, and Reels. They not only give you a variety of post types to keep your audience engaged, but stories and Reels give you a wide range of stages. You can use the latter two parts of the IG platform to give random users samples of your content and move them to your feed, where they can be enticed to follow you.

Using Instagram-compatible tools helps you schedule your posts ahead of time, so you can plan your content to appear during the hours when your target audience is most likely to be active. That will maximize your opportunity to pick up new followers.

Using High-Quality Images and Videos

Instagram is a photo and video application. Because pictures and videos tell stories in a great way, they must be up to standard when posting them as content on Instagram.

Fortunately, you don’t have to take an editing class to become a professional at taking and editing photos and videos. The following tips can help you produce high-quality pictures and videos:

  • Invest in a smartphone with a clear camera.
  • Download and install a photo or video editing app with good reviews. These days, they’re simple to use
  • Take a picture or record a video.
  • Use the editing software to edit your content to be concise, pleasing to the eye, and compelling.

When you do this, you will keep your followers engaged so they remain fans, while attracting casual viewers who will click the follow button if they like their content.

Buying Real Followers from a Reputable Site

While the above strategies can help you grow your follower count, the results won’t be overwhelming and won’t happen quickly. It can take months or years to acquire a decent number of new followers when using these methods.

The best strategy to grow your Instagram followers is by buying real followers from trusted service providers. As an individual or business, you can effectively build your fan base or brand quickly and safely by adding these engagements.

Let’s explore why buying real Instagram followers is the best way to grow your fan base.

  • Sparks quick growth: Instagram awards visibility for content based on the posting account’s popularity. When you buy followers, you appear more popular to the system’s algorithms and your audience grows quickly. As long as your content is compelling, new viewers for your posts gives your account a large infusion of followers.
  • Followers arrive in minutes: You don’t have to wait days or weeks for your growth to begin. Your purchased followers show up quickly and start the growth process almost as fast.
  • There’s a package for everyone: Not all accounts need the same number of Instagram followers. Most service providers offer packages in the range of 100 to 20,000 followers at reasonable prices. This makes it easier for individuals and businesses to buy followers based on their account size and budget.
  • Quality followers: This is crucial. When you patronize trustworthy sites, you get real IG followers with real IG accounts. Those are the interactions that Instagram uses to decide how much visibility your content will receive. The fake followers (created with bots) sold by fly-by-night sites won’t help, and may hurt your account.


Social media is an effective marketing channel if you run a business or are looking to build your personal brand.

We explored strategies to grow your Instagram followers such as using taking advantage of the platform’s formats and creating high-quality content and waiting for people to find you. However, these time-consuming strategies do not give guaranteed results. We concluded that buying real followers is the best strategy to grow your Instagram account.